Sunday 18 August 2024

Tangles and Dangles

Hello Friends!

Thank you all for your kind words of support. last week.  Most of you go through this from time to time and we must help each other through if we can.

A wise person told me that grief is like a great big, black, bottomless hole in our lives.  When it is new, it is all encompassing, our entire life engulfed in the darkness.  Slowly, the light returns to our lives.  It seems as if the hole is lessening, becoming smaller, when, in fact, it is not.  What is happening is our life slowly returns to it's normal state and grows around the grief.  That vast, gaping chasm will always be there, waiting it's opportunity to catch us unaware, it's just that life grows back around it and softens the jagged edges.

I am grieving for the loss of my health which is slowly robbing me of everything I hold dear.  I'm trying not to let it pull me down, but when it takes me three hours to sort out and take out the bins, knowing that every step could see me on the floor, or when it takes all afternoon just to dust the mantelpiece, or an hour to empty the dishwasher, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by what is happening to me.

I have bought a book to read on how exercise can help alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's, until, God willing, such time that a cure is found.  Sadly, research into this disease is not as well funded as other diseases are, despite the ever growing numbers of those who develop it.

In the meantime, I have gone back to tangling.

Here are the tiles I have made this week.  They are 4" square.

So the above tiles are inspired by lessons on YouTube by Sandra Rushton of Sanntangle, the tiles below are my own original artwork.

Some of you may have noticed several changes to Blogger yet again, thankfully loading photos is now much easier!  I wish I could say that the recent changes Tesco made to their online shopping page have been as successful, but they resulted in me making changes to the wrong order and receiving an order that was not complete instead!  Thankfully there was enough food in the freezer to tide me over!

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie x


  1. Your tile pieces make me smile Deb! I do have a question, though. Are they on ceramic tiles? They would certainly make a lovely back splash. Sorry to hear about your grocery order. Online shopping can definitely result in errors. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you, and I am glad they make you smile. No, they are not ceramic but paper and card. I imagine, with a great deal of patience, they could be created on ceramic tile, but I don't know how they could be made fast or permanent.
      The grocery site changed the chronological order of booked slots to reverse chronological order, without saying what they'd done! So, I completed a future order instead of the one booked for the following day.
      Hope you have had a good weekend!

  2. It's scandalous how so many diseases have to be funded by charities when our money is squandered in other stupid things.

  3. I will start at the end, I have made mistakes ordering online and it irritates me so. You had no idea of the change and had to deal with the fair. I hope they don't make any more changes on you without telling you first, in the future.

    What gorgeous tangles! They are so intricately made. I love all the detail. I thought the first one was my favorite...and then I saw the second and I thought that was my favorite until I saw the third one on. I am not sure I can pick a favorite as they are all so beautiful and unique in their own ways. I boggle at how you know just how much to do and when to stop. They are balanced so well and there is so much for the eye to see without looking cluttered. You are talented, my dear friend, you are very talented!

    Take care~

  4. Hello, I'm stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan
