Hello Friends!
First, I must apologise for how photo heavy my last entry was. I hadn't realised until after I had posted it just how many photos of the garden flowers I had put in. It's a good job I didn't enlarge them which I normally do. Mind I have a feeling this one's going to be fairly photo heavy too.
This is getting ridiculous. In a good way, though. They've got only gone and picked another photo of mine to put in the local paper. I'm losing count now. This must be number five, or possibly even 6? Only difference is this time, I'm getting a slot as photo of the day next Wednesday. So I've stepped up a notch LoL If they stop putting me in print, I'm sure I'll get withdrawal symptoms. More LoL.
Here's the selected photo of a female Common Blue, but it's such a pretty blue I don't think there's anything common about it, do you? The male, which I've yet to see, is a very pretty blue all over. Stunning! It's on mint flowers.
Here's a little montage I made of different shots.
Female under wing
I recently found thousands of photos stored on old laptops, old. USB sticks, and CD's, you name it, probably. around 8000 photos. So it took me a couple of days to do it all but I slowly managed to upload them all onto one computer. Since then, I've been sorting them out. It's a long task. I've probably done just a couple of thousand so there's a long way to go with them. and I know I've got a few thousand more stored on some other old laptops. I've been having to store these laptops while I make the time to get the photos off them. So as we're on a theme of butterflies, here's a few more different butterfly photos that I've uploaded recently.
Large White
Orange Tip Butterfly Male
Brown Plume Moth
Cabbage White
Ermine Moth

Tortoiseshell Butterfly
Red Admiral
Is it any wonder they call the Buddleia the butterfly tree?
I have done my best to identify the butterflies and moths correctly. However, if you can see anything that I have given the incorrect information, please don't. please don't hesitate to correct it in the comments.
Continuing my theme of flavoured breakfast oats. I've added a few more to my repertoire.. One is Peanut butter and raisin oatmeal cookies, which I do enjoy served warm because that's the best way to eat a cookie fresh out of the oven. I'm still wrestling with how to do a lemon drizzle cake. I think the natural addition would be lemon curd, but I don't want to have to buy a whole jar to keep in the fridge just for the occasional bowl of. bowl of porridge. On the other hand. putting real lemon juice in it's going to make everything pucker up. Why you're probably puckering now with a watering mouth, just thinking. about lemon juice aren't you? Blueberry Pecan Muffin is another, with frozen blueberries, toasted pecans and a drizzle of maple syrup. Hungry yet?
Until next time
Stay safe stay well
Debbie xx