Saturday 10 February 2024

Hey! Hey! Snoopy

Hello Friends!

Time was when someone followed a blog, Blogger notified the blog owner, however, with it's infinite foibles, it no longer tells us when we have a new follower, so this is to say Thank You for all those of you who have recently followed, and also Thank You to everyone who already follows along with my ramblings.

I have just enjoyed a delicious, warm and nourishing bowl of baked oatmeal.  This time I used some leftover luxury custard thinned down with oat milk, and added a mashed banana and some frozen cherries.  To coin a Welsh phrase, it was lush.  I made it up the night before so the oats get extra creamy, then bake it at 190*C for 30 minutes in my Air Fryer, which I absolutely adore.

About six years ago I started filling out YouGov surveys.  They reward you with cash or vouchers.  It takes a long time to accrue enough points to earn £50, but over the years I've earned £200 which I've cashed in from time to time by way of four @£50 vouchers.  

I decided that after my last cash in I would stop doing them as they seem to ask the same boring and repetitive questions each time; I could now answer in my sleep so it's no loner fun.  However, one last voucher for Amazon and I treated myself to these Winsor and Newton professional paint pans set in a metal tin.

They are still wrapped up until I take the papers off, but I will do that when I am ready to sample swatch the colours.

Swatching is something I do with all my mediums.  It gives a quick and handy reference guide to what the colours actually look like on paper.

Here's an example of some metallic paints.  It's fair to say that the colour of the paper has an effect on the colour of the paint.

I have a friend with an upcoming birthday so I've made her card especially as she loves Snoopy.  So do I!  Here's what happened from the rough drawing when I first had the idea and sketched it out on an scrap paper envelope.

He's tiny and so I decided to reproduce him in a small version on a DL card,  I will share the finished card in a few days.  I have to decide whether to make the lines clean and sharp, or leave them scribbly as you can see in the doodle.

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well, stay warm {it's getting cold again this weekend}

Debbie xx


  1. I guess that for an artist there is nothing more beautiful than a new set of paints - enjoy them soon.
    Your Snoopy is lovely

    1. Thank you, this is a set of paints I will enjoy greatly.

  2. We love Snoopy as well, Deb. His imagination is the greatest! Your friend will certainly treasure your artwork. Your new paints look great and I'm sure you will enjoy them. It is quite a contrast on different papers. Have a happy weekend.

    1. Thank you. When I first lived in America, Mum would cut each Snoopy cartoon out of the Daily Mail and post them to me weekly. I am still cooing over the new paints!

  3. The Snoopy is great. I do the YouGov surveys and some can be dire asking you more opinions on things that you have already stated that you have no interest in but for some things you feel at least you have chance to have your say.

    1. Thank you. I'm afraid there are only so many times I am prepared to answer will I vote, who I will vote for etc before I lose the will! I hit Unsubscribe and breathed a sigh of relief.

  4. The Snoopy card is great and the baked oatmeal sounds delicious. I am so glad you did enough of the boring surveys to get an Amazon voucher and I hope you enjoy your new paints. I love the effects of the pastel ones. Caroline (Ragged Robin).

    1. Thank you so much Caroline. Yes, those paints are Gansai Tambi. My latest ones Winsor and Newton, which need swatching.

  5. I think your new paints look good, I'm sure you will enjoy using them.
    I'm a Snoopy fan too, that card is great.

    Keep warm this coming week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, yes it is cold now, isn't it! Keep warm!

  6. Love your Snoopy, and the new paints look great! And your baked oatmeal sounds delcious, I will definitely try it! Hugs, Valerie
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you. The baked oatmeal is so easy, just put it with liquid of choice in an oven safe dish, add any fruit or spice of choice and bake approx 30 mins on about 200*C

  7. I look forward to seeing Snoopy all done and see how you decided to finish him up. Good quality supplies make all the difference, don't they? The difference in background paper and the metallic paints is striking. I found the same thing when I used to cross-stitch. I made my Mom a picture on a cream background and my sister one on a black background. the picture was the same, but looked so different on different backgrounds. Enjoy your painting~
    Love and hugs

    1. Thak you my dear friend. I asked a craft group I belong to for input on Snoopy and it's unanimous he will be sketchy. xx

  8. Aren't new paints the best? I love that you got those. And your Snoopy is just perfection!

  9. I’d be willing to complete a few surveys for rewards like that! It’s amazing to me that wherever you shop these days, or whatever you do, you are asked to complete a customer satisfaction survey. Now if they awarded prizes, I might get on board. Usually I simply ignore them.
