Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Advent Day Eleven

Hello Friends!

I shall give you a break from all the food!  I think by now you can see why I called it the two day seige! Leftovers kept us going into New Year, and beyond in the case of slow perishable items such as chocolates and nuts.  Surprisingly, although refrigeration was a thing of the future, nothing went off like it does today and no one got an upset tummy other than by self-imposed overindulgence!  Our pantry was built by my father, north facing and partly underground with thick, insulating walls and a tiny window for ventilation, it worked brilliantly!  I can see it in my mind's eye to this day.

It is pitch dark outside again.  My tummy says it's breakfast time, my body says don't move.  The clock ticking noisily says time to get up.  My body says don't you dare move, stay put under the quilts.  My hands, chilled from typing my blog since five a.m. are telling me to put them back under the covers or go get a mug of hot coffee to hold.  The laptop provides some warmth that permeates through the layers under which I am snuggled.  I am the Princess and the Pea in reverse!

feel for those still without power in this wintry chill, and am grateful for small mercies though I am shivering with cold this morning so my fingers drag across the keyboard and hit the wrong keys.  I am frustrated at this so instead of what I had planned, here are a few photos of bits and bobs of Christmases past.

Until tomorrow . . . 


  1. Your photo reminded me to go and see if the RT is in the village shop - thank you!

    1. I think it went on sale yesterday, mine is ordered.

  2. My mum used to get RT but we just got used to being frugal and just getting the paper with the Christmas programmes in at Christmas time. Hope you have thawed out now. Tam bought Keith a heated gillette a couple of years ago and also a hand warmer - I expect like him, the Parkinsons affects you and you feel the cold more.

    Love the castle all lit up and what lovely Christmas craft books.

    1. I never understood why we needed a TV Times as well as Radio Times.
      Yes, I do feel the cold much more than I ever used to.

  3. I've passed on getting myself a Radio Times this year, as it's getting so expensive. I always used to get one simply for nostalgia, but then I never even read it :)

    1. Much as I bemoan the cost, I just can't give it up. It completes the coffee table!

  4. Typing on my laptop keeps me warm as well Deb. Although we woke to 61 degrees this morning. It's now pouring rain and the temps are dropping--now 48.
    It's nice to hear about your family's pantry. It sounds great. Your Christmas Nativities are lovely. Stay warm and cozy!

  5. I enjoyed seeing your photographs of bits and bobs of Christmases past.

    Seeing the Radio Times, one of my sons tells me he's bought his mammoth Christmas guide today ... but like everything else it had gone up in price!

    Wales was on the BBC news today, there are still so many without power - not a good state of affairs!!!

    Keep as warm as you can.

    All the best Jan
