Thursday 10 August 2023

Spam, Notifications and Nonsuchstuff

Hello friends!

No one else has mentioned issues with Blogger so I'm wondering if it's my computer. Here's what's been happening. 

When any of you kindly leaves a comment on my blog, at the moment it's coming through just fine. However, when I reply to your comments, my comments seem to end up in spam. Of course, then I have to move them to where they are meant to be. This is hot on the heels of the last problem I had when my comments were showing up as anonymous for weeks. That seems to have self righted I hope I'm not speaking too soon!

The other thing that's been happening recently is I'm hearing from a lot of you that you are no longer getting notifications when I post a blog. Well, I'm sorry I can't shed any light on that at all. I have checked with friends who get notifications and some of them are saying yes. They're getting notifications, whereas others are saying no. Sorry but I do not know why this is, or what to do to rectify.

I wish I knew what to suggest to those of you who are experiencing mild angst over not getting your notifications but I really don't know what to say. I really don't.

If I'm perfectly honest, I don't know how half of you follow me anymore Whether you're getting email notifications, blogger notifications or some other sorts of notifications. There've been so many changes since I started writing a blog. I haven't been able to keep up with them. 

The weather has been frightful I know many of you can relate to this in whatever part of the world you live in. We have had an unprecedentedly early named storm of the season. Storm Anthoni Lashed us last weekend with winds of in excess of 70 miles an hour and torrential rain. The man who comes to mow my lawn for me will have his work cut out. No pun intended. fFor the grass which a few short weeks ago was brown and very dead looking has done what the grass does best: respond to the rain and shot up like nobody's business.

I have not seen anything of the couple who were coming to volunteer to help me with the garden for months now. The last time I saw them, they said they'd be in touch within two or three weeks and outlined what they'd hoped to achieve. That was the last I saw or heard from them. So my garden has been left to get on with it itself.

The lands on which my cottage is built used to be a field. It was well known for its blackberries. It took my father many months of working in his spare time to clear the land from the vines. For several years. everything was turned over to growing our own food. However, since my decline in health, I have not been able to keep on top of clearing anything and gradually the blackberry vines are starting to take over the land again.  What was once my beautiful raspberry and blackcurrant patch is once more chock full of blackberry vines. Due to having Parkinson's my balance isn't great, consequently I don't think I'll be able to pick them myself and I'll have to offer them up to somebody who wants to come in and pick for themselves.

I actually offered the land up free to anybody. if they want to clear it, to grow their own vegetables. I was surprised I didn't get any takers on it. When the local allotments came up for grabs, they flew out the window, so to speak. I really expected to have a few people say they were interested. But no.

Unable to garden now and grow things I have to content myself with painting flowers instead. Here is a sunflower I painted from another online class in the Anna Mason Nature Studio.  If I don't tell you that I didn't have the correct paints and consequently have lost the luminosity that only watercolour can deliver, you would not think any different, would you? It's a perfectly acceptable painting of a sunflower, except it's not as it's supposed to be. but only I know that. And now, of course, you do.  

So to occupy my time, I have got involved in yet another online art challenge. This one is only for 10 days.  It's a Twinchie/Inchie challenge.  I have been eager to do something with the new Kuratake paints that I got. This will do nicely to play with them.  They come up very well on black paper, much more colour than on white. So I took some black card stock and cut it into 2 inch squares. 2 inches is the maximum size permitted for this challenge but you can use any substrate. that you choose. so paper, card, wood,  fabric, I suppose you could use glass, metal, slate, whatever, it's your choice as long as it isn't bigger than two inches. Here's what I've done so far. The first 4 days.  As they are quick to complete some days I've done more than one.

Prompt FROTH

A Froth of Impressionistic flowers

Frothy Clouds

Prompt BARK

Three interpretations

Prompt WEAVE

one 2d and one 3d


They're quite quickly done. They probably take longer to dry than they take to paint. I hope you enjoy them as much as I'm having fun from them.

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xo


  1. Gorgeous sunflower and all the others!
    I read your blog from my sidebar and it's updating there so that's OK

    1. Thank you, Sue. My sidebar has disappeared and I can't get it back despite my best efforts. I now read most of my blogs by piggy backing off other people's sidebars.

  2. I'm sorry your having so many problems, that's not good. I do receive your notifications - otherwisw i wouldn't be here! Sorry about your garden, what a pity that no one wants to use it. Here it would be snapped up very quickly.! I love the pieces you have made, they have a lovely shine. My health problems aren't getting less either, and this week I have had a lot of appointments at verious doctors, and now I am exhausted. I know I should rest more, but it's not always possible! Stay as well as possible, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you Valerie. Yes, I thought the small piece of land would have been snapped up too. There's two small parcels of land. My father and I used to look after them between us. They kept us in vegetables for 9 months of the year. I hope you will be feeling better soon. I was reading in your blog this morning of your troubles too. Take care and stay well. Deb.

  3. I love your sunflower -- it's really lovely. I get your updates through the google follower widget on your page and it showed up today. That is odd about the land not being taken. Maybe next year?

    1. Thank you Jeanie. I shall have to readvertise the piece of land. It's full of brambles now. Consequently, there'll be fruit to pick very soon. I don't want it cleared while that's happening.!

  4. Oh Debbie I am so sorry about the problems you are having with blogger but I can tell you your post has appeared on "My Blog List" and also on "My Reading List".
    I would have thought someone would have been over the moon to be able to grow vegetables in your garden - what a shame no-one has contacted you and the volunteers haven't been again.
    Love the sunflower and it looks as though you are enjoying your new online painting challenge - they are beautiful and I love those paints you use.

    1. Caroline, thank you so much. I, too, would have thought I would have had people queuing up for the plots. I shall advertise again.
      I am enjoying the full of mica! The twinchies are such fun!

  5. We are still experiencing problems with some comments from well known bloggers going into spam folder, and there are some blogs where I have to comment as anonymous! Blogger works in mysterious ways sometimes ...

    I do like your sunflower, it's lovely.

    Have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan. I'm sorry to hear you having problems with Blogger too. but it brings me a sense of relief that it's not only me and no one else has said they're having problems.
      I really enjoy reading your recipes and information. I'm finding it very useful. Gosh, the weekend has crept up on us again! Have a good one!

  6. I used to get email notifications that you had a new post, I no longer receive them. Now I try to remember to check your blog for new posts. But your blog is not the only blog that no longer sends notifications.

    Your sunflower is stunning! I have no idea how you know what to do to make it look so real.

    Sorry about your garden becoming a jungle. It's an awful feeling to not be able to do what you used to do. And the fact that no one wanted to use your land to grow on, I don't understand it.

    I am amazed at how you can make such a tiny area look like a regular size painting! Your two inch paintings are just beautiful. Your three different versions of bark are fantastic. And spot on, too, they look realistic.

    Enjoy your painting~

    1. Thank you, Darlene. Yes, it is puzzling how some. some blogs are having troubles and others aren't. And some are having different troubles to others. Most peculiar. Who are we to ask why?
      And it is also puzzling me how nobody wanted to have use of the land for free. I will try again later on. Even the chap who comes to mow my lawn, asked if anybody had shown interest in the offer and even he was puzzled.
      onwards and upwards with the paintings. Onwards and upwards.
      have a lovely weekend, my friend hugs. Deb.

  7. I am quite sure that a job interview for Blogger goes something like this.
    Do you know how to take something that works perfectly well and screw it up, annoying all the users in the process?

    1. Thank you. As my husband would say ten thousand comedians out of work Don't give up the day job! 😂😂😂

  8. I haven't been having any problems. I hope you were able to figure out whatever the glitch was. Have a great week.

    1. Thank you, it seems the issues are inconsistent. Some people have them, some don't. Those who do all have different ones! Very confusing.

  9. I am surprised that you had no takers when you offered the land. I hope someone turns up to help soon.

  10. Like the others, I love your sunflower, too. I get your notification on my Reading List. I just have to remember to check it. I only blog on Another Perfect Day now, once a month, and that is when I remember to check the Reading List! You can add the bloggers you want to follow to your Reading List in order to see when they post. The Reading List link is on the left side of your Admin Page. Then click on MANAGE in the top right corner to add the blogs you want to follow.
