Sunday 15 September 2024

Can You Help, Please?

Hello Friends!

This is an entry I never expected to write, and I have a huge favour to ask of you.

We have recently been made aware of an international defence programme called Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability {DARC} and that the soon to be vacant Cawdor Barracks at Brawdy {when the Army moves out in 2028} is the proposed site for this monstrous construction of 27 massive radar dishes and the accompanying facility.

The very land, this most magical and ancient of places, wild and wonderful, imbued with a deep and pure spirituality that is rare to find unspoiled in our world today, sits on the edge of a precipice where it could slip into a bottomless despond of doom.

This is in the very heart of Pembrokeshire, not even 8 miles from where I live.  If it comes here and believe me, we are fighting tooth and claw against it, it will destroy the community in countless ways.  The risks to health are unknown, or undisclosed, and who knows what those risks will be?  No one will say.  We will become a primary target in the event of war {a threat that grows daily}. The landscape will be destroyed, and vital, natural habitats and ecosystems wiped out. Twenty seven giant radar dishes will dominate what is left of the landscape, visible for miles. Tourism, a primary source of income to the county, will be disrupted and fail, costing jobs and livelihoods.  Businesses will fail. House prices will plummet.  The already fragile local economy will fail.  Families will move away.  The Sacred Energy of centuries will be desecrated. These are just a few of the things that will be impacted if these proposals reach fruition.

There have been meetings and protests.  Just this week, there were two meetings in St Davids and Solva and it was clear to those who attended that the Ministry Of Defence were not prepared to answer questions put in person on the day, and that they will only look at answers to the questionnaires {hard copy and online}

I am not an eloquent person, I can only write what is in my heart, and in my heart I do know that this CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

So, my friends, I am asking, no I am imploring you to please read the link to the information on DARC, below, and then PLEASE will you SIGN the PETITION, below that.  If you can, please share and spread the word.  I don't often ask for anything, but I am asking now.

Thank you
Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xx


  1. Everywhere the same. Here it's the GIANT pylons crossing the countryside, on the coast it's Sizewell 3 and 4. In the villages it's 100s of houses.
    I will sign - in hope rather than expectation

    1. Thank you so much. I agree, there's something going on somewhere almost all the time now. We've fought off many similar things but I think we may already have lost this one. I just can't imagine 27 dishes the size of Jodrill Bank six miles from my home. We're losing our GP surgery in 6 weeks, and a large housing estate has changed the demographic of the city permanently, and we've possibly lost our Britain's Smallest City status.

  2. Oh goodness me ... there is so much going on at the moment, our landscapes are certainly not being enhanced!!!
    I will certainly check out your links.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you, this is not the first such time we've had a fight like this on our hands.

  3. Deb, I am so sorry to read this news! I will check out the information you have shared.

    1. Thank you, if it comes to pass it will be disastrous.

  4. This is really a catastrophe, I am so sorry! I will of course sign the petition! Hugs!

    1. Thank you. It is frightening on a terrifying scale and I fear we are facing it already "cut and dried"

  5. I will definitely sign the petition. I lived in Pembs for 18 years and miss it every day. I am new to your blog but realised early that I knew all the places you mentioned. I was a little further west on the Cleddau. I will keep watching.

    1. Croeso! Thank you for signing! Pembrokeshire is very special isn't it?
