Thursday 19 September 2024

Finally Getting Somewhere . . .

Hello Friends!

Well, if you want all the local goss, go to the hairdressers!  Not only have I come home feeling much better about the head, I've got all the news about what's going on in the City.

There's a new Fish and Chip Shop coming where the Veg Patch used to be {that's now in the old Belmont House on the Cross Square.  Lloyds Bank is soon to open doors on yet another chain, this time it's Salt Rock Clothing.  Not my cup of tea.  And at last the lease is sold on the former Food and Wine, it is being taken over by a new owner who is opening a new deli on the premises.  It has been empty all summer long and been much missed by the visitors and locals alike.

No further news on the GP Surgery which is set to close on 31st October.  It is disgraceful, in my opinion, that the First Minister is refusing to get involved, hiding behind that invisible cloak of a declaration of interest in that she has family members living in the City who are patients at the Surgery. Surely she would want to do all she could to help in that case?  I know that's not how it works, but even so!

I've found out who the three City Councillors are that are being replaced, but so far no one has come forward for either election or cooption.  I certainly would not want the job, although I've been asked to stand many times in the past.

Another bombshell is that my hairdresser is retiring in November after 54 years of service to the community.  This now begs the question where will I get my hair cut, and by whom?

To quote the wonderful Bob Dylan, for the times, they are a changin'

I am not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I am crocheting a poncho.  And, I'm finally getting somewhere!

I taught myself to crochet recently by using good illustrations and YouTube.  One day I saw Sarah Payne Quilter demonstrating a rather lovely little poncho so I sent off for the pattern and yarn in Boho Festival.  

Here are some photos.

Front cover of pattern

what it should look like

my yarn

and finally after much unravelling and starting over . . . 

I don't think it looks too bad for a novice first effort, and I thought it's not too long and seems just right for covering the shoulders, chest and back, without the floppy bits of a scarf and would stay put as an extra layer to fight the cold this coming winter when the thermostat will be turned down.  

I have a pair of Llama Leggings in Garden of Dreams which really matches well!  They are very good quality leggings too!

Finally, a quick and easy note card using stamps, gold gel pen, and mirri card.  Always useful to have on hand.

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xx

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