Sunday 15 September 2024

Can You Help, Please?

Hello Friends!

This is an entry I never expected to write, and I have a huge favour to ask of you.

We have recently been made aware of an international defence programme called Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability {DARC} and that the soon to be vacant Cawdor Barracks at Brawdy {when the Army moves out in 2028} is the proposed site for this monstrous construction of 27 massive radar dishes and the accompanying facility.

The very land, this most magical and ancient of places, wild and wonderful, imbued with a deep and pure spirituality that is rare to find unspoiled in our world today, sits on the edge of a precipice where it could slip into a bottomless despond of doom.

This is in the very heart of Pembrokeshire, not even 8 miles from where I live.  If it comes here and believe me, we are fighting tooth and claw against it, it will destroy the community in countless ways.  The risks to health are unknown, or undisclosed, and who knows what those risks will be?  No one will say.  We will become a primary target in the event of war {a threat that grows daily}. The landscape will be destroyed, and vital, natural habitats and ecosystems wiped out. Twenty seven giant radar dishes will dominate what is left of the landscape, visible for miles. Tourism, a primary source of income to the county, will be disrupted and fail, costing jobs and livelihoods.  Businesses will fail. House prices will plummet.  The already fragile local economy will fail.  Families will move away.  The Sacred Energy of centuries will be desecrated. These are just a few of the things that will be impacted if these proposals reach fruition.

There have been meetings and protests.  Just this week, there were two meetings in St Davids and Solva and it was clear to those who attended that the Ministry Of Defence were not prepared to answer questions put in person on the day, and that they will only look at answers to the questionnaires {hard copy and online}

I am not an eloquent person, I can only write what is in my heart, and in my heart I do know that this CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN.

So, my friends, I am asking, no I am imploring you to please read the link to the information on DARC, below, and then PLEASE will you SIGN the PETITION, below that.  If you can, please share and spread the word.  I don't often ask for anything, but I am asking now.

Thank you
Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xx

Saturday 14 September 2024

A Strange Aid to Keeping Warm this Winter.

Hello Friends!

As the temperatures plummet to unseasonably cold for mid September, I thought I'd share this serendipitous discovery of one economical way I will be keeping warm this winter.  

Of all things, it's a cooling gel pad!!!

I bought it way back in the spring in anticipation of a hot summer and the need to cool down. Therefore, I must take full responsibility for the lack of summer here in west Wales.

Since developing Parkinson's I struggle to regulate my body temperature so I don't feel cold when I am cold, or hot when I am hot.  I must take responsibility for ensuring I maintain the right core temperature by manually balancing it myself by way of heating and cooling aids.

With no discernible sight of summer, I decided to try it out regardless, so one summer afternoon, I put the pad on my chair and sat on it.  It is as simple as that.  I immediately felt my back and legs get noticeably colder.  However, after about five or ten minutes, I noticed that the pad was now getting warmer, obviously absorbing my body heat, and instead of keeping cool I now found myself getting warmer as the pad absorbed and reflected my own body heat back at me.  Not much good as a cooling down aid then.  Total waste of money, I thought . . .

or was it . . . 

The other evening, I sat here bordering on shivering as the temperatures dropped to unseasonably low.  Suddenly, I had an epiphany as I remembered the cooling pad that made me warm!  If the cooling pad reflected my heat back at me, would it work now?  I put it back on my chair.  I braced myself for the cooling surface, shuddered and shivered for a few moments as the cooling phase happened, but then the magic I'd been hoping for happened!

My own body heat started to reflect back on me!  Hurrah!  It kept me toasty warm all evening!  Even when I went to make a cup of tea it retained the heat!  More Hurrah!  Cheaper than a hot water bottle, and also covers a greater surface area than one too!

Treasure wanted in on this one!  He gives it a BIG TWO THUMBS UP!!!    👍👍

If you want to give it a go, just type in "Cooling Gel Pillow" to your search engine.  This one is a pillow size one, but larger, bed size ones that would do well on a sofa are available too.

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well, and stay warm!
Debbie xx

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Properly Chuffed

Hello Friends!

Properly chuffed.  As you know, from time to time I get a photograph selected by the Western Telegraph newspaper as their Photo of the Day.  Well, this time I've surpassed that!

Imagine my utter delight to find they are using it as their current header photo for their Facebook page!  

I took a screen capture for posterity!

I had to walk home from the dentist and got caught in the rain, I got rather wet but didn't mind a bit, it was so refreshing.

I'm currently putting together a blog on Autumn, but my typing is slow and inaccurate right now so it's a slow process, but pop back in a day or two, it should be up.

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie x