Wednesday 22 May 2024

Extended Time Off

Hello Friends

Just to say I'm taking an extended break from all social media platforms.  I may, or may not, return, at this point I don't really know.  I have enough problems of my own to deal with and simply cannot cope with my own deteriorating health and the endless barrage of bad news, falseness, and negativity that permeates Facebook and the like.  

I could use any good thoughts you can spare to send my way.

In the meantime, I shall leave you will the latest photo of mine to be published in the local rag.

 Here are a few more, for good measure

Dandelions in the rain make beautiful subjects!

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xx


  1. Beautiful photos and so sorry that social media is getting you down .
    Hope you are able to keep painting and taking photos and will return to blogging sometime.
    Take Care of yourself

  2. Those photos are quite magical. I also love your dolphin picture, which I have only just seen. You have to do what's right for you with regards to social media. I sometimes take a break from watching/listening to/ reading about the news. There is only so much doom, gloom and general nastiness that anyone can take. Take care. X

  3. Oh I hope we don't lose you completely. I always lookforward to your posts (and just wish I was nearer so I could come and visit). I know how much of a struggle life is with Parkinsons but there is light amongst the gloom too. Know what you mean about the social media platforms though. Some of the comments I read, I truly find it hard to believe someone didn't deliberately set out to be nasty.

  4. I am sorry you are feeling down and disillusioned with social media and facebook. Also your health is a worry for you. I'd be disappointed if you stop writing your blog because I really enjoy reading it and seeing your brilliant artwork. I've seen your photographs in the Western Telegraph and you are a very talented photographer. I don't know much about Parkinsons Disease but you seem to be managing it very well. I too have health issues and they can be a great burden on one's mind but I keep taking the tablets lol. Best Wishes, take care x

  5. Lovely photos. I hope you feel better soon.

  6. Oh Deb, what spectacular photos! Awarding winning for sure. I will miss your lovely posts, my friend. The world of social media can be a cesspool of negativity. It's best to be selective to which platforms we engage. I understand when we know we should step away, then we should. I will be praying that your health will improve. Take good care and know that you are thought of often. Come back when you can!

  7. Oh Debbie what can I say. I am so very sorry as I will sorely miss your blog posts but I completely understand your reasons for taking an extended break. I hope you will feel able to return one day. I am particularly sorry to hear about your health deteriorating and I send you much love and healing thoughts.
    Thank you for posting such beautiful photos and well done on being in the local paper again. I hope you continue to enjoy your art. Take care Caroline (RR)

  8. Beautiful photos. I hope things improve soon.

  9. I will miss you, please come back and tell us how you are getting on. Sending hugs and prayers, Valerie

  10. You take care. Sometimes we have to break. I understand the negativity issues the way things are. I do hope you'll pop into the blog or FB now and then for an update. Meanwhile, I send hugs, healing wishes, good thoughts and prayers.

  11. Oh, Deb...those photos are awesome. (and you know how I can't stand that word since people have overused it.) But your photos truly are awe- inspiring. You captured nature in her glorious best. As to the break, you need to do what is best for you. Your health and peace of mind is utmost important. Dealing with a disease that will not get better, you have to do what makes your days easier and better for you and not worry about pleasing anyone else. Sending you prayers for peace of mind and for strength for your days and sending you lots of love and hugs~

  12. Beautiful photos. Sorry thins are getting too much. Some posters on Fb and X are really awful.

  13. Thank you for sharing these wonderful photographs.

    I am sorry to read that you will be taking an extended break from all social media platforms, but it is important for you to do what you feel is right for you.

    I will miss seeing your lovely blog posts, and am hoping that it will not be a permanent break away from blogging.

    In the meantime I send lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  14. You really do take stunning photographs, Deb. I'm sorry that so much of social media is a downer. Taking a break for a bit is often a healthy idea. Be well, my friend, and until we meet again, may the Lord bless you and keep you.
