Monday 6 May 2024

MerMay part 1

Hello friends,

Thank you so much for those of you who have commented on my art. Your support means so much to me. It's amazing what a difference a few kind words can make when somebody's feeling down.

This is what I've been working on this past few days for MerMay. I've pulled a few pieces of work that I've done from other projects as well, because they're relevant. One of our prompts, for example, was pearls and some of my earlier index card art seems to fit in quite well with it.

Seahorse, in this case highly stylised by way of a Dendritic print

or this interpretation of Atlantis 

This is one of the mermaids, I am rather pleased with this one

and finally for now, an image of cetaceans swimming across the Universe.  The colour reproduction is poor, it's not as slime lime green in reality but my new phone does not seem to do well on colour reproduction.

It still persists in raining most of the time here in the west, so this watery theme of mermaids for May, or Mermay, seems somewhat appropriate still!

Until next time
Stay safe, stay well
Debbie xx


  1. I especially like your green mermaid.

  2. I really enjoyed your lovely art this evening, Deb. Your mermaid is beautiful! I always enjoy seeing anything that swims in the ocean. We are having a rainy week as well, but we need it now as we enter the warmer days ahead. Take care of yourself, my friend.

  3. So much beautiful art today, it makes me want a holiday by the sea....Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

  4. Hi Deb,
    I recognized the pearly seaweed from your artwork before. It is nice to see them again. They are pretty. Your mermaid is simply lovely. The metallic sheen in the artwork is beautiful and makes such an impact. She looks so serene. It's always a treat to see the work as you progress on it. The last series are great! You are off to a wonderful start.

  5. Such lovely creative art work Debbie - all are lovely but I particularly like Pearls and the Mermaid. The paints you are using are beautiful. So pleased you are enjoying the art course. Take care Caroline (Ragged Robin).

  6. What lovely pieces you are doing. I really loved the images of the cetaceans the best. Such lovely movement you captured.

  7. I did enjoy seeing your artwork, and I like your mermaid.
    I also absolutely agree with Jeanie because I too like the cetaceans and the wonderful movement you have created.

    I hope you have been enjoying some of the recent sunshine and warmer weather - no doubt storms will follow, they normally do!

    Sending lots of good wishes.

    All the best Jan
