Thursday 16 May 2024

The Flight of the Dolphins

Hello Friends!

The Merry Month of Mermaid May {Mermay} continues.  No mermaids today, but some of the underwater friends of mermaids by way of a trio of common dolphins in a galactic ocean.  Inspired by Ida Andersen Lang at Drawing Magic Circle.  

I can't pretend otherwise that I'm chuffed to bits with this one, and I'm even thinking I might push the boat out and frame it.

I hope you like it.

Until next time
Stay safe and stay well
Debbie xx


  1. Great job Deb! You already know my fondness of these very intelligent creatures.

    1. Thank you. You would love it here, it's a sort of dolphin central!

  2. It's beautiful, love it very much. Have a great weekend, take care, hugs, Valerie

  3. Absolutely wonderful. You captured the movement so well. Great job!

  4. Absolutely brilliant Debbie and it certainly is worth framing. A very special drawing. Take care Caroline (RR)

  5. You've captured the dolphins really well

  6. Absolutely amazing Debbie.
    The movement you get is incredible, a wonderful drawing.
    Definitely worth framing which I'm pleased to read above you will be.

    All the best Jan
