Tuesday 2 January 2024

2024 The Year Of . . .

Hello Friends!

So here we are, Day Two of a brand new year.  Now, I'm not one for making resolutions.  I see them as setting yourself up for failure from the get go, and if you truly, really do want to do something, why wait for January  1st?  Why not start as soon as you can?

Totally out of character for me, I have come perilously close to making actual resolutions for the first time in about forty years, but thankfully I pulled myself up just in the nick of time. I have, however, decided to make some lifestyle changes and commitments to improving myself, it's just coincidence I'm implementing those changes now.

So, what are they? I hear you ask.

Dispense with the Grumpy Old Woman syndrome!  Instead of whining, whinging and complaining try to find something positive to say about a situation

Be kinder and less angry by looking in the mirror.  By this, I mean that when someone does something that unbeknownst to them upsets or angers me, instead of ranting or giving what for I should stop and take a look in the mirror to find out why their actions are provoking me so.  Then, diffuse the situation with love and take steps to remedy my response or reaction.  {caveat: misuse and misspelling of two, too and to; their, they're and there, sew and sow; sowing not planting seeds; drop not bit of water, etc are not included in tolerance management lol}

Eat sensibly and try to exersise more,  This should not require explanation.  It's common sense, but thanks to a combination of grief a diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease, and the pandemic both have been ignored for three years and I have suffered.  It's time to get back in the driving seat.

Resume Morning Pages. The above helps take care of the physical, Morning Pages helps take care of the mental.

Learn some new skills and take on the challenge of using and clearing my Crafty Stash.  This will help keep me active {especially when Winter weather limits going outside} will reduce the amount of "stuff" in the cottage, and hopefully result in some beautiful things.  I will share my progress with you.  Who knows, I might even run some giveaways for my makes.  You will need to be following visibly in the sidebar to qualify for these events which I will spring without notice.  

Procratination must stop.  Had I not procrastinated or prevaricated with such aplomb, I would not be in such a pickle over matters I do not wish to discuss!

Finally, I refuse to beat myself up if I slide off the Path of Changes and Improvements.

If you are implementing changes and wish to share, then I'd love to read about them too!

In the meantime, I have been busy sketching again.  Here are the results of Sunday's work

Until next time
Stay well, stay safe


  1. I think all your ideas are sound and it always helps to have a review of our ways of dealing with stuff at the start of a new year......... I'm not keen on all thing 'new year' but the change in the calendar is one we must live with isn't it? 😀
    I love your drawings x
    Alison in Wales x

  2. If you don't like resolutions, think of these as guidelines -- for they are all wonderful guidelines for living a fulfilled and healthy life. Meanwhile, I send you all good wishes for a very Happy New Year.

  3. Must say first of all this is Caroline from Ragged Robins blog I think I am coming up as anonymous (probably the same yesterday!) as I am commenting on Firefox - apologies. Beautiful sketches Debbie. Must admit I no longer make New Year Resolutions as I can never keep them up for long but you have some super ideas there and as Jeanie above says a good idea to think of them as guidelines. Best wishes for 2024.

  4. I never make resolutions, I like to be spontaneous! Have a good new year, stay as healthy as possible. Hugs, Valerie

  5. Love your sketches, Deb! You have a talent with faces, my friend. Resolutions are not for me for the same reasons you have stated, but I do love the ideas you have presented. Fantastic! Have a cozy evening.

  6. Happy New Year, Deb! You know that I am a fan of your sketches and other art! I agree with your approach to resolutions! Take care!

  7. I have made resolutions and not. "Guidelines" are a good way to think of it, as mentioned above. I have decided to look at my life and decide what is working and what isn't, then improve on what isn't in some way.
    Your sketches are simply lovely, my favorite is the first one, I love flowers.

  8. Lovely drawings, looks like you were busy with Ida. I wanted to join in but just now I have not been at all well and it's not just from being grumpy! Take care, Deb, hugs, Valerie

  9. I don't make resolutions any more, but it was interesting to read your ideas.

    Storm Henk has not been a good start weather wise to our New Year has it.
    Hope all is well in your area.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. Hello Debra, I've been very remiss in checking my Reading List to see who on that list has a new blog post. It seems I'm only checking whenever I have a new post. I don't have one this time, but wanted to see what you've been up to and send you the link to Karen Abend's Happy New Year Art Challenge. It starts on the 8th. I've signed up for it because I'm hoping to get inspired to pick up my brushes again. I love your sketches and am glad to see you are still at it. In the meantime, I hope that Beth Kempton's Winter Writing Workshop I've been participating in will inspire me to start writing again.
