Sunday, 24 December 2023

Ghosts of Christmas Past

Hello Friends

Because it is difficult now to handle fragile things as I drop them, I have not decorated this year, so here are a few photographs of Christmases past to wish you One and All


one of my many trees back in the day

Annual Lilies of Remembrance

The organ loft St Davids Cathedral


Several images of my various collections:  Santas, Sleighs, Snowglobes

The Famous Singing Penguins raising money for charity

Nativity St Davids Cathedral

Nativity St Non's Chapel by the Sea

made for me by a dear friend

Home made fresh cranberry relish 

Vintage cake decorations

Christmas reading samples in Christmas colours

My Special Nativity

I hope you all have good food, good friends and fellowship to share your day, and may your Christmas dreams and wishes all come true.

Nadolig Llawen
chi gyd 


  1. You had some beautiful decorations and lovely photos of the Cathedral there too.
    Hope your days go well.

  2. Love the lily tree. Happy Christmas

  3. I love your images of past times! Sending the merriest of wishes to you, Deb!

  4. Your Christmas Tree and decorations are so fun and happy and festive. They are simply wonderful. The photos of the Cathedral are amazing. What an awesome place. The photos of St Non's Chapel feels sacred and quiet. I want to go there and just sit in the silence. But My favorite thing of all is the last photo and your special nativity. Absolutely precious!

    Wishing you a Blessed Christmas and a happier New Year~

  5. You have so many wonderful collections and beautiful things, enjoy. Merry Christmas, dear Deb! Hugs, Valerie

  6. A beautiful post.
    I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan

    PS Stay safe in the coming strong winds and rain they are forecasting.

  7. I think my comments are ending up in spam folder!
    You replied to me in your last post but I can't see my comment!
    The mysteries of blogger :)

    All the best Jan

    1. I have no idea what has happened. I remember publishing your post. I can see my reply, but your post has disappeared. And I can confirm it is definitely not in the spam or any other folder. Who are we to reason with Blogger?

  8. Super blog post Debbie with some great photos and I especially like St Non's Chapel. I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

  9. Your decorations are lovely. The cathedral is beautiful, too. We don't have a cathedral here, the next one is in Cologne. And your cranberry relish looks wonderful! Enjoy the days between the celebrations, hugs, Valerie

  10. I enjoyed seeing your decorations, my friend. I'm just getting around to visit, so please forgive my tardiness. Happy New Year blessings to you!

  11. It's New Year Eve so I'm stopping by to wish you a happy New Year.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
