Sunday 5 November 2023

The Colours of Days

Hello Friends!

November sits, suspended midway between the glory days of Autumn and  the bone chilling cold of Winter; a no man's land of dull November grey when all the vibrant leaves of orange, yellow and red have fallen from the trees and branches brown hang down, empty, dull and bare, against a leaden sky where December snow has yet to form.

Light is scarce in the sky, a dull grey gloom wraps itself around the horizon and wild clouds scud across the sky.  Cracks in the clouds let slivers of silver light push through, a reminder of what once was, and a promise of what is yet to come.  Houses, curtains tightly drawn across windows, glow with light, beacons that guide us home.

We have time to stand and stare.  Our harvests are gathered home. We are ready for the winter hibernation that will come.  Let the season of hygge commence!

Wrapped up warmly against the chill and bitter wind, wearing our mittens and scarves, woolly hats and chunky Fair Isle socks, we take brisk, invigorating walks out into the Welsh countryside.  

Berry picking time is over. There is nothing left to harvest now other than a scant handful of late fruits that we leave for the wildlife, for the birds, for the squirrels, for the mice.  

If we are lucky, there are piles of leaves dry and crunchy through which we stomp and kick. But in this November gloom the rain has fallen hard. The spent leaves are a squishy squashy mess of muddy brown. Are they not in decay? No!  They are making the food for next year's plants.  The Circle of Life rolls on 

Soon , much sooner than we realise it will be December. The snows will come and all will look different again, dusted in powdery white.

And so the seasons turn.  The days that not so long ago were warm with summer sun, now cold and chill us to the bone with withering winds.  The time has come to withdraw inside. Let us sit by the fire cosy and warm with books and hot chocolate for our companions.  

My friends I have been doing more art. Here is my latest effort by an online course offered twice a year by the renowned Danish artist Ida Anderson Lang, called Wish Upon A Star. 

Until next time
Stay safe. Stay well.
Debbie xx


  1. Lovely photos and artwork but I hope we don't get to see your winter snow photos for real anytime soon!

    1. Thank you. To be honest, I used to love the snow, but now. it's the last thing I want to see. I think the older we get, the less attractive snow becomes. Although they keep saying we've got it coming very soon, don't they?

  2. What a beautiful description of November, dear Deb! Along with your photos that are the perfect sights to behold. Your Wish Upon A Star is lovely--pensive thoughts seem to be visible upon her lovely face. I love the owl she holds. I heard one the other evening--such a haunting call.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen. Oh, that little owl has caused me so many problems. I am so relieved that I managed to stop it looking like Pingu. Two of my most magical memories involve Owls. One time I saw snowy owl in full flight when I was in Iceland Another experience was staying in a cottage by a lake in North Wales and listening to the Tawny Owls calling to each other across the valley as I lay in my bed with the windows open to the cool night air.

  3. Lovely words and photos about this time of year Debbie. You sum it up so very well. I love your new painting "Wish upon a Star" with her green hair and owl and the stars in the background. Take care.

    1. Thank you Caroline at least the owl doesn't look too much like Pingu.

  4. Very well written. I hope the snow stays away.

  5. Love the beautiful photos and well phrased texts, really beautiful. And your painting of 'wish upon a star' is delicate and beautiful, well done! Have a good week, take care, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you so much Valerie. I have signed up to Ida's Atelier.

  6. This is a lovely post, your photographs and words complement each other so well.

    I do like your words 'Let us sit by the fire cosy and warm with books and hot chocolate for our companions.' This sounds great, the only thing I'd change would be tea instead of hot chocolate :)

    I like the art you've shared ... keep on enjoying this month of November.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Tea is good too!

  7. This post shows your talent at your best. Your first three photos are broodingly beautiful. The Autumn ones catch the season at it's best and beautiful. Your Winter photos show the beauty that the season can bring...even if we don't want to be out in it. lol These photos show why you keep getting photos published in the paper. Your descriptive prose for the photos match them perfectly and show you have been gifted many times, with words being only one of your talents.

    Your artwork, Wish upon a star, is fabulous. Definitely your best yet!

    1. Thank you so much, my dear friend. The muse seems to be returning slowly, but has a way to go yet.

  8. What evocative writing and photographs. I like to look at snow now - not so much fun if you have to get out in it! We're above the snowline here too :) Love your artwork - I did try copying one of my photos a while back, but never finished it - ran out of spare time as usual.

    1. Thank you so much Jennie. I love to look at snow.. I used to love going out in it. In fact, I used to enjoy it so much. I was always out and about in the snow when I lived in Iceland it didn't stop me! These days not so much..tbh, I don't relish the thought of snow on the ground at all these days. Funny. funny how we change.
