Thursday 19 October 2023

Autumn in a Picture

Rose hips ripening on the branch
Food for birds in winter months
Silv'ry spiders webs, like garlands weave
festoons of lace
invisible until the crystal raindrops fall
revealing one, revealing all


  1. What a beautiful poem and so apt for your lovely photo. Nothing nicer than finding a cobweb bedecked with dew, raindrops or frost at this time of year.

    1. Thank you I. don't mind finding the cobwebs this time of the year as long as I don't find them by walking into them. especially the big orb web ones!

  2. That really is Autumn in a photo - lovely.
    Have you had any featured in your local paper lately?

    1. Thank you. No nothing in the local paper for a fortnight now. I must be slipping. Lol.

  3. The photo is beautiful and the poem fits is perfectly. Nature is simply gorgeous this time of the year. I love Autumn! (Even the spiderwebs, but like you, I hate to walk into them. ;-)

    1. Thank you my friend! Ohh don't we love to do the spider web dance? Yes, we both love autumn a lot don't we? It is surely the loveliest time of year although the other seasons have their own merits. Maybe it's because we're October babies?

  4. Beautiful photo and words - love it! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Now that is a stunning photograph, Deb! Lovely prose to accompany as well. The beauty of Autumn never disappoints. Have a happy evening, my friend!

    1. Thank you my friend, I'm trying to get back into my writing a little bit. Have a lovely weekend in your special celebratory month.!

  6. what a fabulous picture. I don't think we have rose hips around here but we do have other flowers that leave seeds for the birds. Unfortunately, most cut them down instead of leaving them for the birds.

    1. Thank you Judee. Same here, everybody keeps everything very well manicured. But I am the rebel! I leave everything as it is I don't dead head or anything until spring, leaving all the seeds for the birds to forage naturally.

  7. A beautiful photograph and lovely words.

    All the best Jan
