Friday, 20 February 2015

Magical Moon, Venus, and Mars

Gentle Reader ~~~

Just one very quick image this evening ~ a magical sight in the evening sky tonight ~~~ tonight the waxing moon, Venus, and Mars all in very close conjunction.  This will not happen again until 2017, so it was a real treat to have clear skies tonight to help me capture a memory of this event.

Here is my photograph, the view to the west from my cottage garden with the new moon and Venus are easily seen, and to see Mars just look slightly above Venus and there is the Red Planet, a minutely tiny speck in the deep dark sky ~~~
{at first I thought it was a speck of dirt on my laptop screen~~~}

Tomorrow evening, the moon will sit above the two planets and be even more spectacular, but we have a forecast of rain and cloud, so I am grateful for clear skies tonight. I hope the skies are clear above you so that maybe you will have a chance to see this too ~~~


  1. Wow--Deb, what a gorgeous shot! Your photography skills far exceed mine! What a lovely photograph! ♥

    1. Oh, no, I am just lucky ~ I take a lot of photographs sometimes to get just one usable image. Tonight I took over 50 to get this one! You should see the rejects lol

  2. So beautiful, Deb! You really captured an amazing image! Thank you for letting us know. We will be sure to check the sky over our snowy garden tonight. The snow clouds are just beginning to break, so maybe we will be lucky! Have a great weekend! ♡

    1. I hope the clouds clear for you ~ and I hope they stay away for me tonight too, for so far things look hopeful! ~~~Deb

  3. I don't think I would have recognised this if I had seen it so thank you

    1. Don't forget to look again tonight ~ apparently it will be even better!

  4. What a beautiful photo you got Deb!... it was too cloudy here, so I am loving seeing yours... xoxo... Julie Marie

    1. Thank you, but I'm so sorry you missed seeing it Julie Marie.

  5. Beautiful photo ...... especially when so much does depend on the weather to capture it.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan ~ yes, the weather is often not our friend when it comes to photographs

  6. Debora dear one!! Twas a BEEEEauuuuutiful sight!! You captured it well ;-D
    Blessings and warmth, Linnie

    PS mess you on FB

  7. What a great photo! Thanks for showing us. As you can tell by this late date, I did not see it. But with all the cloud cover we have had, I have no doubt that is was cloudy here then. But I got to see it through you!

  8. Magic indeed! An amazing photo.
