Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Shipping Forecast Part Two

Hello Friends!

I hope you are keeping warm as our temperatures plummet.  I have made the executive decision to dip into my savings in order to supplement paying my heating bill when it comes in, for I cannot be cold.  I shall worry about it later, but for now the thermostat is up and the living room also has an oil filled radiator in use and a plug in heated blanket over me!

After I shared about the Shipping Forecast in my last blog entry, I came across this.  So for your jollification and amusement, here is the alternative Shipping Forecast read by 

Brian Perkins


Until next time


  1. Wow Deb, this fellow is a hoot!
    Glad to hear you are keeping warm. We certainly are not looking forward to our heating bills over the last month as it's been quite cold and snowy. I find myself putting on more and more layers. Do take care friend.

    1. he is a retired BBC broadcaster, but how many takes did this need without bursting into fits of giggles. It really is quite brilliant!
      Layers, and layers, and more layers. Bring on the Michelin Man!

  2. The weather at the moment is so cold and you MUST keep as warm as possible.
    I do also find that layers help.

    Many thanks for the link to Brian Perkins, it was so funny :)

    All the best Jan
