Sunday 19 November 2017

Black and White Seven Day Challenge

Hello Friends!

Some of you, who use social media will have seen a recent, on going, photography challenge, the Seven Days Black and White Photo Challenge. No people. No explanations. Just black and white images.

I was nominated by my friend Maggie. I'm so happy she did nominate me, because I delved back into my archives and came up with the following photos, and a few more than the required seven besides. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed black and white, I think it reveals a lot more of the subtler nuances of light, shadow, and textures than colour photography. Don't worry, I'll keep taking colour most of the time, but expect to see more monochrome too!

Today started out as a lovely late Autumn day in the Shire. Winds have dropped, rain has gone, and a pale, frothy edged ball of lemon sits, diffused, maybe confused, in a wintry blue, cloud cluttered sky. It ended submerged in grey murk and that sort of precipitation that is nameless ~ too heavy to be drizzle, too light to be rain, just everything getting damp through. Now, if only we could have a hard frost overnight, I'd have some grand photos in the morning, but I think it is a mild night forecast here.

I think there will be a lot more black and white photography from me in the future. I've rediscovered something special this week!

Until next time~~~


  1. I really do love black and white photography, I have a new camera coming next week, so looking forward to trying that out. x

  2. I do love the calla lily, Deb or is it a caladium blossom? Very Georgia O'Keefe. So lovely. You should have it framed. I need to get some of mine out of the archives. Black and white looks very sophisticated to my eye. xoxo ♥

    1. Thank you, Martha Ellen. I call it an Arum lily, so maybe you know it as Calla? I am a big fan of Georgia O'Keeffe's work, so thanks for the compliment! Black and white is more honest than colour, to my eye.
      ~~~Deb xoxo

  3. Lovely black and white photos - I love the way they show the structure and form of the plants (often lost in colour pics I think) - the raindrop/dewdrop one is beautiful :)

    Apart from black and white buildings haven't done any black and white photography since I was a teenager but you have given me pause for thought!

    1. Thank you. The last time I did anything serious in B&W was as a mature student in college in the late 90's early 00's and it was SO much more expensive than colour to process!

  4. You have captured some amazingly interesting textures, Deb. You must have a very good camera. Very nice work. Jane xo

    1. Thank you Jane. Some were taken with my old camera, a good while back, and for many things I've found it better than my new one, except, as with so many things, I cannot get a battery for it.
      Lovely to see you here! D xoxo

  5. Lovely images very different to the sane suits in colour but `I really wouldn’t want to go back to b/w TV

    1. Ha! Ha! Would any of us? After Blue Planet 2 I wish I had a fancy television!

  6. I especially love the photos you take of water droplets. Were these taken in black and white or later edited? All my film photos from the mid-1960s are in black and white--very nostalgic.

    1. A mixture of both. I don't find the B&W facility particularly good on any of my cameras, though, so when I look at a new one that is going to be a top priority. Even so, just changing the dial is, to me, like cheating on the real thing!
