Tuesday 31 October 2017

The Last Day of October

Hello Friends!
Samhain Blessings!
All Hallow's Eve
Happy Hallowe'en!

It is the last day of October ~ how did that happen?  Throughout the month we had two named storms, arriving much earlier than normal, and more worryingly we had a real hurricane that has all the boffins and meteorologists baffled and mystified.  Last weekend, our clocks fell back, and now the days feel suddenly different, more wintry as the light fades by late afternoon. The wind blows from the North, and a chill air creeps across the land and it's time to be thinking of hygge again, snuggling down with good books to raises the spirits, and books that come with matching mugs will raise the spirits even more ~~~

Tonight, the veil that separates the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest, and spirits cross more easily, more freely, than any other night.

Here is a very interesting article from the BBC showing a facial reconstruction of Lilias Adie
accused of witchcraft over 300 years ago ~ Bright Blessings, Beautiful Sister!

Tonight, the tiny goblins and fairies, ghosts, ghouls, pirates and princesses, and monsters of all kinds will be out and about, before the witching hour, on the annual candy beg!

The Smallest Bears of the Hideaway Hug are in on the action too ~~~

However you celebrate today, celebrate well and be safe and happy!

Do stop by again tomorrow, for I have photographs of an outing to share with you.

~~~ Until next time
Deborah ~~~


  1. Happy Halloween, Deb! We used to get many ghosts and goblins at our door, but our neighborhood has gotten older with few children.
    Love the photo of the bright leaves over the rock wall- As well as your Autumn pieces. My, what big acorns you have! xoxo ♥

    1. Happy Hallowe'en Martha Ellen. No trick or treaters here, sadly ~ we live up a dark, private drive that is a little too scary for the wee folk of the village after dark. xoxo

  2. Happy Halloween, Beautiful Autumn colours, I really love the acorns. x

  3. Happy Halloween, lovely colours in your photos.
    Very chilly here in Suffolk too, wood-burner has been alight longer than just the evenings now
    Decorating the mantle-piece with autumn colours has cheered up the living room here.

    1. Happy Hallowe'en ~ yes, the temperatures have dropped rapidly and the heating is now needed more, it seems. I think our ancestors had the right move with their festivals of light at this darkening time of year.

  4. I just returned to read the story of Lilias Adie. My goodness hasn't our history been unkind to those different or those with a keen sense of intuition? What a courageous soul she was! Even today, prejudice comes in so many forms. RIP Lilias Adie. Many were burned at the stake in America as well. What's wrong with us? I seem to ask that question daily. Take care, my friend. ♥

    1. Thank you for going back and reading her story as we know it. I'm so pleased someone followed that link.
      I could not agree more, what is wrong with us?
      I love how the forensic reconstruction team has given her a gentle, kind face, don't you?
      Recently, I have been reading several novels, fiction but thoroughly researched, that revolve around the Salem and Elizabethan witch trials, and also the incarceration of the Japanese during WWII. What were we thinking?

    2. I am glad they gave her a gentle, kind face! History seems to repeat itself over and over. If we don't learn from it we are sure to repeat it! The internment of the Japanese during WWII is a shocking example of our stupidity. There are those today that would want to do the same to many groups. How very, very sad.

  5. We came through unscathed - no witches in evidence.

  6. I love your Hallowe'en displays - so colourful and Timothy says hello to your teddy bears :) No trick or treaters here this year but we did carve some pumpkins and made Wizard's Hat pasties and a spider web cake :)

    Such a sad story about Lilias Adie - thank you for the link. When we were in Yorkshire last year we stopped off in Pendle to see the museum there and the exhibition on their witches. Such awful times to have lived in if you were the slightest bit different.

    1. It sounds as if Timothy had a lot of fun!

      Yes, that's a very sad tale, indeed. I agree, such dreadful times, and you could stand accused simply because someone didn't like you for being different.

  7. I saw the story of Lilias Adie also, and was so disturbed by the treatment she received. (Did you know that one of the tests to determine if someone was a witch was to throw her [weighted down] into the river. If she rose up, she was a witch and would be killed. If she drowned, she wasn't a witch.)
    Horrible. Anyway I love Halloween because it's beautiful autumn, and it's also my birthday! And I love your autumn photos and decor, the colors are astonishingly beautiful. Jen

    1. Yes, Jen, there were some horrible tests to determine someone's status. To say that our ancestors were barbaric is an understatement, but we do similar today.
      Well, if a Hallowee'en birthday is not reason enough to celebrate, what is? Happy Birthday for last Tuesday!

    2. Why thank you, Deb!
