Monday 21 December 2015

Winter Solstice Blessings!

Gentle Reader ~~~ I bring you

Greetings for a 
Blessed Winter Solstice

Today, December 21st, marks the Winter Solstice ~~~ the official start of Winter, and in the northern hemisphere it brings the longest night, but I offer grateful thanks that tomorrow the light begins its slow and most welcomed return as, minute by precious minute, the days will start to lengthen ~~~ it is a most important day in my year, one of two Solstice days that govern the light and dark ~~~

In a few days it will be Christmas Day and the moon will be full in the sky to brighten the night. It is a rare occurrence for a Full Moon on Christmas Day and this year is a time of especial magic as the full lunar phase is at precisely 11:11 a.m. GMT on December 25. This full moon is known as the Full Cold Moon because it occurs at the very start of the Winter season ~~~ the coldest season of the year {or it is supposed to be!} ~~~

The Christmas Tree brightly lights the Village Square ~~~

The Cathedral waits the Christmas Processionals and services that will follow in the coming days ~~~

So, Gentle Reader, I wish you a Happy, Blessed, and Joyful Winter Solstice

Until next time
Warm Winter Wishes
Deborah xoxo


  1. Deborah, this is a lovely way to start my day. This Christmas season feels as though it's going to be a very special one.....the Winter Solstice is a reminder that after the longest, darkest day of the year, comes more light....and the fact that the full moon follows so quickly emphasizes that the Hope of the world will always light our way. A very Merry Christmas and a very happy and prosperous New Year to you.

  2. Happy Winter Solstice, dear Deb! Thank you for the chance to see the Village Square dressed in lights and a peek into your amazing Cathedral all dressed for Christmas. May the Cold Full Moon glow brightly over the village this Christmas. ♡

  3. The Light of the world is beautiful in your gorgeous Cathedral, Deb. How lovely it is decorated for this holy week. Happy soltice to you today and a very Merry Christmas, my friend! xoxo ♥

  4. Actually, the solstice will be tomorrow, apparently. But now is close enough. For me, December is the start of winter. When I was younger, it was the first snow that stayed in November that marked winter. That was a very long time ago, in a different place.

    Gorgeous pictures, as usual. And happy winter solstice to you.

  5. So nice to see a post pop up from you, Deb! And a Happy Solstice~Merry Christmas to you and yours too:-)

  6. Happy Winter Solstice to you! I am ready for some more light. Rainy, dreary day today. I am ready for some sun.

  7. That day when we look forward to spring as the days creep ever longer. Happy solstice to you too

  8. Today is one of my favorite days because the light is growing longer. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9. Donna ~ The Cottage Magpie23 December 2015 at 04:53

    Lovely photos! I will miss the longer days...There is something about them that I enjoy much more than looking out my windows and seeing the sun still shining at 8pm. It seems to really alter my sleep patterns, too. But, to everything there is a time and a season...Right?!? I wish you a very Merry Christmas, dear friend! Hugs from me across the sea ~ Donna ;)
