Wednesday 4 June 2014

Just Sayin'

Gentle Reader~~from a cold and windy west Wales this morning, where white clouds scud across a blue sky, and grey clouds with threats of impending downpours roll in from the Atlantic.  My coffee is hot and strong and I am slowly waking up!

I am considering a few changes to this blog. I might even modify the title.  Don't be alarmed!  You see, over on Facebook land, I write passages of prose quite frequently and those of you who are not over there cannot read what I am writing.  My FB friends and followers all seem to like what I do, and I would like to share it with you.  I also enjoy sharing recipes ~for I am a self confessed foodie~ although my recipes are of the hit and miss ilk that go 'a handful of this, a pinch of that' it is still fun; I also enjoy crafting and sharing some of my simple makes.  I started out here with the good intentions of a gardening blog, but find myself wandering, wondering, and pondering too, further away from wanting to blog about just gardening.

Some of you visit my other two blogs linked here, my primary blog Tales From A Celtic Heart and my fun teddy blog  The Adventures of Treasure Bear and Other Animals both of which are now equally neglected from my blogland identity crisis!

I've had a few technical problems, and I know some of you have had the same, issues like not being able to put up your photographs, which I must admit has stopped me from posting.  My computer is also slow, sometimes quick, sometimes slow, sometimes nothing at all as it freezes more solid than an Arctic Winter!

I tried setting up a new blog, consolidating all three blogs on to one new page but Wordpress is hard work for my computer and I have decided to stay put.  Goodness only knows the changes in the last few months that Google has made have left me spinning more than the tin top I played with as a child~~~and that did some spinning!

So, I think it is time to just go with the flow, blog what I want to blog and not try to be so purist, when being purist means all I get to do sometime is re~hash the same things as last year.   There will still be a lot of gardening, and way too many pictures {but I do so love photography} but more variety, and I hope more regular posting and everything will always be a work in progress!

There you have it!  I dashed out this morning to get a couple of shots of things before the rain comes in, a lovely white foxglove {which is confusing me, but more on that next time} and the return of my lovely dwarf verbascum! 

I hope you will stay with me as I make these changes, and who knows, maybe a few more will join us in the Garden in The Shire?

Until next time ~~~

~~~A Gardener's Work Is Never Done~~~


  1. Hi Debs! It's exciting that your blog is evolving. You have so many interests and talents to share! I'm finding the same thing… as I meander through retirement. It's such fun to have the freedom to discover new things each day! Listen to your heart and follow your passions! We are looking forward to following along… and joining in! Thanks so much for visiting my little blog! ♡ Sending sunny thoughts Across The Pond!

    1. Thank you Dawn. Your blog is very much worth visiting and I'm looking forward to seeing it grow and joining in too. Debs xo

  2. Hello Deb... so good to hear from you, both at my post today and now here on your blog... as you saw, I have gone through some changes myself on my blog... I think we all do... I am just so happy you are posting again, as I do not do facebook or twitter or any of those and I must have missed alot of your photos and prose... I love the way you describe your sky this morning... your days start out much like mine, coffee and being outdoors... enjoy getting your new layout all set up... will visit often!... xoxo Julie Marie

    1. Oh, Julie Marie ~ how I would love to share a nature walk! Your place or mine! Thank you for your kind words, and yes, I start with my coffee too! Debs xo

  3. Hello Deb, stopping by from my friend Julie Marie's blog. I love your background photo ~ just beautiful! Looking forward to stopping by again.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Deb {one to another!} and I've just had a quick peek at your lovely blog and will have a read later. Your kind words are appreciated, and my background image is of apple blossom taken earlier this Spring in my own garden! Look forward to seeing you again. Debs xo

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) I am looking forward to reading this blog, I really enjoy your posts! Your white foxglove is pretty, the lupines and foxgloves have been blooming along the roadsides here and I love them! Hope you have a great week! ~April

    1. Thank you April! That white foxglove is a headache, but more will be revealed soon. Hope your week is good too ~ Debs

  5. Wonderful, Debs! Love all of it. Will be staying with you wherever you write and whatever you say!! Taking the rest of the week off, but will be back!! Thank you for all the inspiration!

    1. Thank you Jane. Glad to hear you are sticking around. Enjoy your week off, see you when you get back. Debs

  6. Hey there, Deb!
    I am glad you are going to combine all your loves! Blogging should be about what you love and not locked into one thing.
    I look forward to seeing all your thoughts and photos and loves here. You are so talented in more than one thing...share it all here for us to enjoy!

    1. Hey there you too Darlene my friend! Thank you for your kind words. Lots planned, just don't want to run in too quickly! Hope your garden is coming along? Debs xoxo
